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Miss Alex Doppelgänger(s)

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When I saw this assignment prompt I immediately thought of one of my bestest friends from back home, Alex. I’ve known her for about 5ish years and we have silly adventures (which usually include visiting some underappreciated outdoor location and enjoying a deliciously bad-for-you food item) together at regular intervals while I’m home. We met while working our first jobs together. It was in a little family-owned grocery store in Portsmouth (not mentioning any names). It sounds so quaint! It so wasn’t!!!! But that’s a story for another day…

Tangent. (Excuse Me!) Back on track….

Alex looks just like a combination of Emma Watson and Jenna Bush Hager. (She is thrilled about one of these… I am sure the other, not so much!)

Here! Take a look for yourself!!!

The Process behind this two-star assignment was pretty simple. First, I found a picture of Alex. To ensure that she would approve of the picture that I selected of her (because I promised I would share the post with her after [Hi Alex!]) I simply snatched it from her facebook profile pictures. It was her current one, actually (great picture Alex!!). The most challenging part of the assignment was finding the pictures of the celebrities that I wanted to use. It was kinda hard to find ones that were in a similar pose and hairstyle as Alex, because I wanted them to accentuate the look-alikeness. Once I found the proper pictures, I saved them to my computed and then opened them in PowerPoint. I realize that some may turn their nose at this (and I would respond by turning my nose at them), but it seemed to work fairly well. I just arranged them the way I liked and changed the contrast of each image to make all the colors seem similar and the images cohesive. Then I selected them all and grouped them. I saved the grouped objects as a picture to my computer. And now I’m uploading it and tagging it. And that’s a wrap!

(Thanks for being a good sport Alex!! I miss you bunches and can’t wait for our next [mis-]adventure!! <3 )

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