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DesignAssignment III-Expression Of Myself.

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INSPIRATION; A design assignment that is an expression of myself and who I am? Get outta here! Oh well! I spent hours on this assignment, putting together different concepts about my life and trying to make it all fit and make sense. In my 21 years of life, I have experienced a lot. Some have made me cry, others have made me extremely upset and some have made me super happy! Some have pushed me to the limits and to the point of giving up, but each and every time I get to that point, there seems to be a force greater than me that urges me on. And there is my mum, who constantly reminds me that what doesn’t break me, will always make me stronger. From academic issues to roommate drama, friendships, heartbreaks and all of that, I have had a good support system and a drive that keeps me going. In the picture above, I use six different images to represent who I am and where and going in life. At the bottom is a sketch of sea waves- for me, the up and down spiral of the waves represents the many struggles I have encountered in life and the possibility of more struggles in life. The Eagle to the extreme left represents where I want to go in life. For those who do not know, the eagle is considered the strongest and wisest out of all birds and flies higher than any other bird. Like the Eagle, I strive to stand out anywhere I happen to be, I strive to do better than what everyone is doing and to set higher goals for myself.The image on the extreme left represents a tunnel with a bright light ahead of it. You know what they say “there is always a light at the end of the tunnel”. This also happens to be one of my very favorite quotes. Each time am down and feel like am in a deep empty tunnel all by myself, I look forward to the bright light I know awaits me at the end of the tunnel. And finally my hands reaching out to the skies to touch the stars. I placed my hands above the waves to show that in the midst of all the chaos and uncertainties, my hands will always reach out for the best- The Stars.

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