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Little Captions (2 star)

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Im All Ears

This was too perfect for when Pockets was a baby and his ears were just starting to stand up, so i decided to combine some of the cutest pictures I have to make the caption IM ALL EARS!

For this assignment I used GIMP, similar to Photoshop. I first uploaded the picture I wanted to use as a layer into GIMp through file and open as new layer.I then added two more pictures as separate layers to cute out and add to my background picture.
To be able to click on all layers and play with them individually without resizing cutting ect into the other layer you must go to windows, recently closed documents and then click layer.
My two other pictures of pockets were to big for the background picture so i clicked on each picture separately on the layer side bar, went to layers at the top of the screen and clicked scale image. This allows to scale only that picture to the pixels to desire.
When my pictures were to the size of my liking i went back to the layer side bar made sure the picture i wanted to cut was still clicked and adjusted the opacity to almost nothing so i could work with the picture underneath.
i then double clicked the lasso tool on the tool bar and cut around pockets body. I double clicked on the portion i cut, went to edit cut and then edit paste into the bread layer.After that I played with the different tools such as the move tool to move the face around to position where i wanted.

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