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Networking 1 – Lab 3 – The OSI model

Posted by

Brian Seitz

February 10, 2012


Objectives: In this lab, we learned more about the OSI model and got the opportunity to work with a switch.


Equipment list: At least two computers, internet access and a switch.


Notes and Observations: Using the command prompt, Kevin and I pulled up our arp table. Once we pinged another computer using their IP address, their physical address and IP address was added to our arp table. When we pinged, default gateway was added to our arp table. This means that we had talked through our router so we could ping that site. Kevin and I also ran a traceroute to two different sites. This traceroute does exactly what it says. It shows us a table of the route it took to get to the destination we chose. We did two routes, one to Kansas Wesleyan in Salina’s site and to Kansas State University’s server in Manhattan Kansas. Even though Kansas Wesleyan in Salina is physically closer, the route to Kansas State’s server in Manhattan was shorter. The route to Kansas Wesleyan’s server even sent us through Dallas Texas. The only reasonable explanation we could come up with is that we’re on the same network as the main campus in Manhattan. The last thing Kevin and I worked with was the switch. The switch MAC address table showed which MAC address was on which port. We had multiple things plugged into the switch at the same time as well so it was pretty interesting to see the MAC address table at that point.


Questions: There weren’t a lot of questions that were really raised during this lab. Most of the questions that were asked, were review from the lecture.


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