This project was not too much work on designing the actual picture, rather as Adam Levine said it requires effort for us to conceptualize a story or event into 4 symbols. Something that was not mentioned was the sheer plethora of choices we had. It took some time to pick the 4 objects I wanted to use for my picture. Once I had these pictures I simply resized each pictures to the desired length and put them together in photoshop. On a last note I decided to put the pictures surrounding the man rather than in a linear progression. I thought this would get my point across much better rather than a linear picture of symbols.
I want people to figure this one out for themselves. I suspect people will figure it out without too much effort. One clue I can give is the placement of the symbols I have. Note the placement of the objects or symbols in relation to the man. Once people figure out the event I want them to ask themselves why or how they figured it out. If people figure this out as fast I think they will, what does that say about ourselves? What does this say about my event? Did my mystery event implant stereotypes into our worldview?
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