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  1. James Cruz

    Final Project Post

    My final project was on Students Helping Honduras. Students Helping Honduras is a nonprofit organization that began at UMW. Specifically I talked about fundraising. My own goal was 1000 dollars this semester which I met!! In terms of the goal of the UMW chapter which we faced significant difficulties. I … Continue reading
  2. James Cruz

    Video Assignment Submission

    by Procrastination. Everyone does it. However, everyone does it differently. I showed the usual pattern of procrastination I have when I am trying to do work. I want to see what other people do to procrastinate. Facebo...
  3. James Cruz

    A Whole New World [Remixed]: Pollack Style

    5 Star Assignment Process Picked an assignment and then looked through submissions posted. I had to look through several since some websites were not showing up the picture for some reason =0. After downloading the picture to my desktop I then looked at some Pollack paintings. I ended up using: as … Continue reading
  4. James Cruz


    2 Star Process For this assignment I took several videos that we have made over the past semester. After putting these videos together I simply spoke over the video through a program I have called fraps. Editing the videos was a bit annoying but from a procedural standpoint it is … Continue reading
  5. James Cruz

    Update on Final Project

    Hey everyone as I mentioned before my final project will be on the UMW chapter of Students Helping Honduras. To those who have missed my last post, SHH is a nonprofit organization that aims to help impoverished children in Honduras. My goal is to raise 1000 dollars by the end … Continue reading
  6. James Cruz

    Meme Review 2/6

    by SlapChop Original:! Alternates: Charlie Bit My Finger Original: Alternates:  
  7. James Cruz

    Making Tutorial for your Mom

    Five Star Assignment Process For this project I was going to go through the process of using Jing. However, I did not have Jing yet. I do have another program called fraps that has a similar function. While using Fraps you can record both video and audio so I just … Continue reading
  8. James Cruz

    Play by Play

    Two Stars Process This assignment was easy and fun! I simply found a clip from a tournament match in the video game: Halo 2. After then I used headphones to record my commentary using audacity. I then downloaded the actual youtube video using keepvid, then I put both my commentary … Continue reading
  9. James Cruz

    Video Essay

    Five Stars Process This was a bit confusing at first. I was not sure if I wanted to keep the audio or not but I decided it would be more effective to take the audio out of the video. I thought by removing the audio from the actual video would … Continue reading
  10. James Cruz

    Final Project Thoughts

    I already talked about this with Dr.Groom but I am thinking about doing a sort of weekly blog about SHH. SHH stands for Students Helping Honduras which is a nonprofit organization that began at UMW. Our main goal is to help children in Honduras primarily through education. In order to … Continue reading
  11. James Cruz

    Preproduction: Play by Play

    Video: note: embedding was disabled by request so that is why I only have the link. Audio (my play by play):   This assignment was one of the funnest we have done so far. Finally, I can choose something that I am completely comfortable with. Not that other assignments have … Continue reading

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