This assignment is called “Spreadsheet Invasion” by Tom Woodward. The purpose of the assignment is to make an animation using only the capabilities of Microsoft Excel. I personally like working in Excel and I’ll most likely be using it a lot in my job after I graduate. However most of my knowledge and experience in Excel is with tables and formulas while this assignment is purely design. In thinking about what kind of animation I wanted to create, I started thinking about the possibilities of old school video games. I decided to make an animation of my favorite game on my phone, Brick Breaker.
The design was simple, I just highlighted cells different colors and then inserted a dot for the ball. I then moved the cells around, created screen captures, and created a movie using Windows Live Movie Maker. Then I went online and got video game sound effects for the bouncing and the game over music. This was the end the result:
Credits: Sound/Music –
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