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What is Web 2.0? Way Better Than 1.0 is What it is

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I was born in the right era I would say. The era where everything went from being on paper to online on a Mac or PC. The world where the internet as we know it is no longer about just searching for answers, though I admit Wikipedia is still my best friend. In fact after doing the readings provided I admit I went to Wikipedia for more clarification.

The internet now is a new internet. A better brand of web known as Web 2.0. Now, Web 2.0 is not just some marketing tool it is a real thing. It perfectly describes the new age of Facebook Twitter and blogging that we live in. The online world where we just don’t look for answers, but we in fact provide the answers ourselves by interacting with the web. We also contribute to the web with our opinions and thoughts. That my friends is the main difference between Web 2.0 and Web 1.0.

Think of all the times you Google something to find out something quickly or Youtube how to tie a tie. To be quite honest there are not many things that I learn nowadays that I didn’t Youtube to learn. Is that weird? I don’t think so. It’s just the age we live in. You seek help from people you know and even people you don’t. So thank you dude who makes Youtube videos to teach me stuff it’s greatly appreciated.



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