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Week 6: Introduction to Audio

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Here are resources for today’s class..

Sound in Radio and Film

War of the Worlds

Foley Sounds

A Prairie Home Companion: SFX/Rhubarb script, March 21, 2009

Fred Newman on Jane Pauley Show

Fred Newman ‘A Rumination’

Willhelm Scream

Group Audio Challenge

Form groups of 3 to 4 people, each will review an assigned 30 second section of the clip below from a Charlie Chaplin silent film “The Lion’s Cage”. Mute the audio, and use any real world object (or your own voice) to create a sound effect. Each person in the group must make at least one sound.

Radio Techniques

Using example of story by RadioLab

Working With Audacity

Sound Effects Story

We will work on this in class Wednesday, but between now and then, gather a few examples from Freesound or other recordings that you can use.

Sound Effects story

Sound Effect Story by gojoego

Making Myself at home

Radio Show Project


More Resources

Ira Glass on storytelling

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