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3 STAR Visual Assignment #2: “DEFAMILIARIZE”

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For this assignment i took my creativity to another level, I used saturation, lighting, contrast, and even effects from both pixlr and my photo-bucket account to make these ten objects look totally abstract ad unfamiliar. The ten objects that I chose below are Aunt Jemima’s Syrup, Red Devil Hot Sauce, Hand Sanitizer, Nyquil, Aunt Jemima’s Pancake Mix Box, Dawn Anti-Bacterial Dishwasher Soap, Onions in a basket, A loaf of Bread, Parmesan Cheese, and Jif Peanut Butter. After setting the contrasts and  lighting in different versions that people aren’t use to seeing i decided to form all of the pictures int a collage using the website I chose to do this so that my audience could actually see all of the pictures at once and take closer looks at each picture once they click it. I chose to set the background yellow because if you change it to a darker background it would take away the effects and lighting’s on the pictures. This process was very fun i enjoyed fooling around with the lighting effects and tools to make these objects look unreal and deformed. “CLICK ON THE IMAGE TO GET A CLOSER LOOK”!

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