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Brittany’s (Un)Interesting Story

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Reading the instructions for this assignment made me laugh out loud (Well, acutally, I’d say it was more of a snicker than a laugh) because my roommate and I always tell each other stories that seem really interesting to us personally, but are really not at all interesting to the other. It’s usually only after telling the story in its entirety that the teller realizes how uninteresting and possibly even painfully boring it was.

I think this is one of the perks of friendship: you always have someone to listen to your stories, no matter how boring they are.

Just this morning Brittany text me saying that she saw “the campus deer” outside our dorm this morning. So i figured this random little experience would be the making of a great boring story. (I didn’t think Brittany would be offended by this because I share just as many, if not more, boring stories with her.) So I asked her to tell me her deer story. (I also told her that I was going to record it. She was unnerved by this. However, she is getting used to me doing odd things for the sake of DS106.)

Once I made the recording, I added a couple tracks from to make it a bit less uninteresting. Both the tracks that I added were from news boadcasts. One was the enterance to a show and the other was what plays at the close of the news program. (It kinda makes it sound like the breaking news of her morning.)

It actually took me quite a while to play aroudn with the tracks to make the whole thing sound as I wanted it to. I had to adjust the volume of each track seperately, change thier starting and ending points, and add a fade in and fade out. I used “the Google” and And Rush’s tutorials to answer all my how-to questions.

So here is the final product of my first attempt at Audacity. (By the way, this is a two-star assignment.)

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