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Networking 1 – Lab 4 – Exploring TCP/IP Networks

Posted by

Brian Seitz

February 17, 2012


Objectives: Construct a stand-alone and operational TCP/IP network using IPv4 addressing.


Equipment list: Two or more computers, switch, router and cables to hook it all up.


Notes and Observations: I was with the half of the group that setup a simple class “C” network. I reconfigured my machine and I found that part quite easy. All it consisted of was manually setting my IP address and a subnet mask. Once everyone was connected we pinged each other to see if we were connected. We only ran into one problem connecting with one person but I’m pretty sure it was a user error. The last thing we had to do was configure the router. Even though we had the commands listed out in order, I’m still a little uncomfortable with that part of the lab. Getting the explanation of what each command did helped but it’s still like learning a new language, so it’ll take me a little bit before I’m comfortable with it.


Questions: Once we connected our machines to the switch, the highest OSI layer the computers were communicating with was the network layer. After everyone in the group connected then we checked our connections by pinging each other.

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