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My Favorite Color

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Summer Weather
Summer Time
This is a picture taking from Pier 21,over looking brooklyn.My mother was visiting me in New York from Florida, for a whole month. And we decided to go out to eat in the city. Memories like this makes me love the Summer time.

This is a picture of my favorite color blue.I always loved the color blue i find it as a very relaxing color.. i use to gaze up at the skys alot and just think when i was younger and it been my favorite color since then.

My Visual Assignment
Central Park before
This is the original picture of Central park
Photo shop
This is the after the Photo Art
My trip to central park with a touch of Splash
My trip to Central Park
This is from a trip to central park i made in the summer time, I find central park a very beautiful place, full of alot of life and natural colors.I found this project very intersting because i got a change to eliminate, the colors and still fill the picture with enough color for you to still see the beauty. The way that i made the splash of color is by first having the picture in my cellphone I had doadload at application via android called photo art. And with that i was able to make the changes. First i made the whole picture grayscale.With color eleminated from the picture I added color to the item in the picture that I thought would stand out, and that was the bridge. And the last picture you see is the finished product.

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