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My Sound Effect Story

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We are almost halfway through the semester and for those of you who closely follow my assignments and the inspiration behind them, you would agree with me that I have a huge love for babies and am surrounded by them all the time. For my sound effect story, I used sounds to tell the story of  the birth of a baby. A woman  cries out in labor, the ambulance arrives in time to rush her to the hospital and in the hospital, I made sure I incorporated sounds of people rushing up and down as well as hospital trolleys, and then the long awaited cry of the baby. I downloaded these sounds separately from freesounds and then aligned them on audacity according to how I wanted the story to unfold.

Again, I chose this story because of the many births that have occurred and have laughed at the labor pains I see the mothers go  through. I laugh  not because its funny but because I laugh to keep from crying.

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