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Parent-Child Headswap

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This was simply another assignment that was fairly easy to do. Just about all of them that I did this week were. Since I’m just starting out doing visual assignments the 4 or 5 star challenges will have to wait until the very near future.

Anyway I was Inspired by the-weekly-update because I thought she did a really good job at it. Way better than me I’m afraid. The father’s head looks good on his new body, but I can’t say the same for his son. Maybe I just chose a bad picture from Google or I could have cropped it better, who knows.

To do the head swap between father and son I went on fotoflexer and it was painless except for that I wish the copy region tool would allow you make other shapes than a square. Since no one’s head looks like Spongebob I didn’t like that too much. Still, it got the Job done and gave me two stars towards my assignment this week. The assignment was fun to do. If I did it again I would use celebrities… That would be hysterical

Link to Parent-Child Headswap ds106 assignment

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