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Eagle Radio Gets Productive!

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Today our group was so super duper productive! It was crazy.

During the day today, I wrote up the script for the fictional character that we decided to interview from 1908 when UMW first opened. I looked to the most popular names of the year to make her name: Ethel Roberts. (Ethel was one of the most popular female names and Robert was one of the most popular male names.) I used the Mary Washington Through Times site, created by the Historic Preservation Department here at school to get most of the information about our character’s fictional life. It was actually pretty fun to make up a character with a personality and a life story. I answered the questions that we came up with as a group last time we met in the way that I though Ethel would answer based on the information I found from the site.

Today in class we recorded the interview in Audacity. Leslie read Ethel’s part and I read the interview questions. It was really odd (as usual) to hear my own voice played back. I don’t how long it’s gonna take for that to stop being weird, but I hope it happens soon.

We also came up with our own commercial. We decided to advertise a Ford Dealership in Fredericksburg trying to sell the Model T. It fits in perfectly with the time period and will help us transition well. Then we made a bumper to go after the commerical.

We also sent out a coupple emails to people who graduated from UMW during the time periods we are interested in summarizing. We are waiting for thier responses and hopefully they will be willing to anser our interview questions. Fingers crossed!!!

Our group is going to meet again tomorrow., so hopefully our productive streak continues!

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