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Faire Les Choses, Ma Facon.

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Minimalize Your Philosophy(2 star) was my first design assignment that I chose because it seemed really simple at first and since I already did have a quote in mind, I always do have in the back of my head and follow it. (Wow, what a run-on sentence.) The picture was orignally taken from my blackberry but I transfer it to my laptop and I took it right after I got out of work. It was taken place in 42nd street, Bryant Park. That night, I was looking at the sky, and with all the lighting, and people I just thought it was something simple I ought to capture. I chose the quote Faire les choses, ma façon (written in French) is something that I always go back because it’s what makes me different on making choices that other people. For this assignment, I just use a simple software called paint and played around with the font.

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