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Sound Effects Intro – BS

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Can you take samples of sounds and make a song out of them? That is what my challenge was for this assignment. Below are the sounds that I recorded at my home.  I recorded everything from opening a can of pop to the sound of opening and closing scissors. The sounds that sound like drum beats I recorded from a metronome that I use. It has many different knobs to help me create this unique click tracks. I thought those sounds would help add a little something to the beat of the song that I have created.

Ten Sounds
Sound 1 – Scissors
Sound 2 – Pop
Sound 3 – Kick 1
Sound 4 – Kick 2
Sound 5 – Drum 1
Sound 6 – Drum 2
Sound 7 – Drum 3
Sound 8 – Drum 4
Sound 9 – Drum 5
Sound 10 – Drum 6

Here is the song I made using these sounds and a couple others I have used in other songs that I have made. Make sure to leave a comment of what you think.

Sound Effects

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