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Dynamite Radio

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This project was really a challenge to me having gotten the part of an editor-in-chief.

When my group members start sending in their part of the projects, I was like,  where would I start because everybody had spoken so well and here I am with my thick African accent. I finally got through with mine after two days recording and fine-tuning my voice in other not to sound so irritating, at least. Then comes the part of editing.

After listening to all the five recorded voices, I realize that a little fine-tuning and audio cleaning will be required. Since I am so comfortable working with most of the Adobe CS5 products,  I decide to use Adobe Soundbooth CS5 to do the editing. Each recordings was edited by applying pitch control and  treble, to make it sound like a studio recording.

I also worked on the gaping in each individual recordings by trimming irritating or prolong pauses, including repeated words and sighing. I also took time to select the song used in the clip which is “Could you be loved” by Late Bob Marley. I believe strongly that this song is so appropriate for this project and the topics we all talked about which are: Jealousy by Kevin, Communication by David, Control by Janelle, Commitment by my humble self – Adewole  and finally,  Trust by Alasia . The songs simply implies that after all this said and done, could one still be loved?  The opening sound was however,  downloaded from to make draw audience attention to our project. I think my strenght in this project is more in the editing than my spoken words.

I want to give kodus to all my group members for their parts in this project. Every material requested were delivered right on time. It was an awesome experience.

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