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Linking Flickr to a WordPress Blog Tutorial

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Start by going to If you do not have an account you will need to make one and upload five images. Begin by pressing the log in icon on the top of the screen.

This is the log in prompt that you will receive. Continue by typing in your username and password. Then press log in.

You will then be directed to your home page that should look something like this.

Press the drop down arrow next to the “you” tab and select “your account.”

It should bring you to a page labeled your account at the top that should look something like this.

Next choose the “Sharing &Extending” tab on the top right.

Your screen should now look something like this.

Select the “more sites” option in the lower center of the screen.

Select the WordPress option.

It will prompt you for your blog url, username, and password. Type your url in the selected area and  do not remove the text to the right of the selected blue area. Your username and password are the ones you use to log into WordPress, not Flickr.

Your WordPress site will now show up under the Sharing & Extending tab.

To share an image from you Flickr account to your WordPress site first go to any one of you images. Press the drop down arrow next to the share tab. Then choose to share with your WordPress account.

This screen will then pop up and allow you to choose a title and text for your WordPress blog post. Once you press the “Post” button your Flickr image, title, and description will be posted to you blog.

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