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Final Radio Show Update!

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3/6- Today Emily and I got together to basically see where we were at and what needed to be done.  We did some cutting of our clips and some listening to them. We recorded the jingle for our commercial. Then we set goals for what needed to be done when we met on Saturday.  She would have her interview and movie review and commercial edited and I would have my interview and movie review edited.  This included music and sound effects. I did the editing at home- it involved cutting some of my clips.  I used music from the sound track and quotes from the movie.  I also used some sounds from, for example, the drum sound after a joke.  This meeting was fairly short because it was basically a check in and Emily couldn’t connect to the internet so we realized we could do the editing separately.

3/10- Today Emily and I met to compile our pieces.  We had both worked on editing our own interview and movie review.  I just want to tell you all about the trouble we had and how we overcame it today.  We met at UMW, the library was closed and academic buildings were locked.  So then we had the bright idea to go to Starbucks, which was so loud we couldn’t hear anything and there was no way we would be able to record the transitions that needed to be added.  So finally we decided to go sit in Emily’s car to listen to our recordings and do some transition recording.  After we made suggestions to each other about what could be changed and made some changes my computer t died and Emily’s would not connect to the internet so we had to call it a day.  All we had to do that night was just make those final changes so when we finally met with Devin the next day we would just have to piece the show together.

3/11- Today me, Emily and  Devin got  together to finish putting together our edited pieces and make a few changes.  We decided to change the amplification a little bit to make the pieces not so loud.  We also re-recorded the intro. We had to edit the outro.  Then we loaded Devin’s work on to Emily’s computer. We put  clips in the correct order and saved our work.  But just when  we thought we were finished, we had to do the 10 minute making of.  We had each recorded some of our conversations and funny moments so we all went through our computers and found usable material. Emily and I worked to put the making of together. When we left all we had to do was listen to the show and do a little editing to the making of.  That night I listened to the show and realized it was a little had to hear the background music so we had to do some last minute editing.  Then the show and making of was posted on the wiki page.  FINISHED!!! I have to be honest, I was never more happy that a project was over, I thought this project was so stressful.


Will be blogging about the overall experience and thoughts later tonight!

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