This was my first video assignment using iMove. I recorded some of my average weekday, which normally just includes waking up, going to class, doing homework, and then repeating the next day. It so happened that it was a nice day, so I was able to sit outside and get some work done. It was pretty to do, and I think it came out well. The camera is a little shaky, but I guess that was inevitable with walking.
To create this video I did several things:
1. Sped Up Video:
I recorded about 15 minutes worth of video, by speeding it up I was able to condense it down to about 3 minutes. In order to do, I double clicked on the clip itself. A menu will come up which has the option of speed. I had to convert the clip, just by clicking convert, I don’t if every video needs to do that. There will be an option ranging from a turtle to a rabbit. For some clips I sped it up as far as it would go, but for most I sped it up to the second to last option.
2. Add Music:
For this, I used Dirpy to convert an instrumental to an MP3. I clicked to music note option on the right hand side and searched for the Mp3 to add it in.
3. Add Transitions:
We learned how to do this in class, but to reiterate: I clicked the hourglass looking icon on the menu on the right hand side. I couldn’t record myself in class, so I just added a transition there. I played around with some of the texts until I liked it.
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