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And there it was.  Brown, fluffy, and ferocious.  Stalking the grounds in the backyard.

Then something caught the beasts attention; something green, something leafy protruding for the belly of the earth.  Yes, there was a leafy morsel to satiate the driving hunger.

I took inspiration from Tokyo50mm and her thirty second documentary in a park.  Actually, Tokyo50mm was one of the first blogs I saw on ds106 and I was blown away.  The pictures are incredible, and there is always a really introspective back story involving someone else’s live or history about a place.  While I don’t have that edge, I decided to film something nature like.  To show the life of a domesticated beast and what life now consists of within the wilds of Fredericksburg, Virginia.

And so I went outside and found this young cat, took some footage, and then edited it all in splice.  The song is Giants of Illinois by Andrew Bird.  Unfortunately, my laptop has vehemently refused to display a screen every time I turn it on so I’m bereft with suitable soundtracks to place on my videos as of now.  I really wanted to put the hit classic O Nomen Jesu, Nomen Dulce by the infamous Johann Rosenmuller and contrast the elegant grazing of a cat with the rhythmic vocals of the song.  Alas, we can’t always get what we want.

Surprisingly, the hardest part of this video was how fast 30 seconds roll by.  While Tokyo50mm broke the rules in her documentary, I decided to hold as true as I could.

My only qualm is the footage looks great when I take it, but then by the time I export out of splice and then upload to Youtube a great deal is lost.  So much so that I feel a rumbling of displeasure.

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