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One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds: The Penguin

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I could not be more thrilled about Jim Groom’s choice to extend the 15 star due date ’till next week!! My parents are coming to F.Burg tonight for the junior ring ceremony tomorrow and then we are spending Saturday in DC; so I’m super excited to see them (which hasn’t happened since Christmas) and take a mini-break from school!! A intermission from DS106 couldn’t be better timed!!!

With that being said, I decided to not let myself get to caught up in the excitement and got to work on a video assignment. I don’t want to have to scramble next week. (If you haven’t noticed, I kinda freak out when I scramble.)

So I picked the “One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds” assignment. I decided on penguins. (I have not notion of how this decision came about, but I just went with it. You should too.)

It actually took me about an hour to complete, which is surprising because the final result is only about 16 seconds long. I realize that that is 11 seconds too long according to the prompt, but I wanted to include another movie and I have audio that was penguin-centric. So I gave myself more time to make it work. (Sorry for making up my own rules.)

Part of why it took so long was that I did not choose sections of the film that had both the audio and the video that I wanted. Because of this, I had to cut the audio and the video separately (to find the images I wanted and the separate sounds I wanted) and then had to match them up.

Here’s the final (,and hopefully,) three-star result:

One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds: The Penguin from Emily DelRoss on Vimeo.

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