- @teachingwthsoul This sounds great! I'm pre-service at SUNY Cortland. Poetry in the classroom…count me in! #eng307 in reply to teachingwthsoul #
- @ktvee Or they have been taught poetry in the very traditional way. in reply to ktvee #
- @engaginged @evilpandas I completely agree! Students need to relate to it! Have fun with it. Each person looks at it differently! in reply to engaginged #
- @teachingwthsoul @BriteEyes49 Thank you for allowing this opportunity! Very excited to see what everyone has to say! in reply to teachingwthsoul #
- @BriteEyes49 Writing poetry is sucha great way to get students interested. What do you find students engage with the most? #eng307 in reply to BriteEyes49 #
- @flourishingkids #eng307 #ntchat Where have you found it to work the best in the classroom? in reply to flourishingkids #
- @lsfraser #eng307 #ntchat I love this idea! students should be able to write about what they feel compelled to write! in reply to lsfraser #
- @KatyGartside #eng307 #ntchat Love this! So many different modalities! Gets students to learn so many different things. in reply to KatyGartside #
- @flourishingkids #eng307 #ntchat That is great! I think that through creation/production students often come to better understandings. in reply to flourishingkids #
- #eng307 ntchat blog
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