Hey everyone, so who remembers waaay back when we started doing these assignments and I made (Wrote? Hit shuffle on iTunes?) this iTunes story:
Well it’s making a return for my final remix assignment, although this time I’ve been challenged to change up the media used in this assignment. Oh how many animes could actually fit the bill of this story. I figured I would go with a pretty well known sob story from the series Bleach. So without further ado here is my once pictured visual assignment in video format:
For those of you not familiar with the series Bleach, Masaki Kurosaki is the mother of Ichigo the main protagonist. When Ichigo was 9 years old he and his mother were walking home one day when Ichigo saw a mysterious girl who looked like she was about to jump into the river; which caused him to attempt to save her. However due to circumstances at the time Ichigo did not know this girl was a facade, and once he awoke by the edge of the river he found his mother lying on top of him, dead. For 6 long years Ichigo had lived in an internal conflict with himself, believing he was responsible for killing his mother and taking her away from their family. I just hated that Ichigo blamed himself for this and he struggled for so long to come to terms with it; all the while putting on a brave face in front of his family.
Well anyways nothing too new from my standard video process here, find some episodes, splice them together, add some narration etc. However I was finally able to get some picture in picture going which I had been attempting to use for awhile now. I should note that I made some minor tweaks from my original poem to allow a smoother transition into the story; namely the removal of the line friends and making the world plural.
- The series Bleach
- The Bleach OST
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