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update on final project

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Ive been gathering all the materials i need for my final project over the last couple days. I was inspired by the lady that did the how ds106 changed my life video which was really well done. I messaged her asking for some advice. I found a program that i didn’t have to pay for that is able to gather a screen shot recording of a specific region. and I decided to use gimp with a exceptionally large canvas and and just adjust the size of the brush. my idea was that this would allow me to have an unlimited canvas and a controlled region to shoot in all on my desk top. I completed the first two lectures and came to a realization….I suck at drawing stuff in gimp, and i look like a small child who is using the wrong hand while learning to write lol. I decided to change up the mode of video I’m using for the last three lectures. so my final post will have two gimp lectures and three hand drawn ( most likely on a white board) well c… stay tuned.

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