This remix assignment involved taking “The Little Caption” design assignment and adding a sidekick. I chose to edit this submission from
I thought the shark really lent itself to a sidekick. Especially if that sidekick was an oblivious Nemo. They’re friends.
To add Nemo, I just found a picture of him on google and then deleted the background whitespace using Paint.NET’s magic wand tool. Very easy. I then added this edited image as a layer on top of the original assignment. Twice. Right on top of each other. For one of the added layers, I erased all but Nemo’s head and fins, which are supposed to be sticking out of the water. For the other, I had to try to make it look like it was underwater. I messed around with various effects and brightness and contrast for awhile, but eventually remembered that under layer properties you can change opacity. So I changed the opacity to make some of the water show through. This worked surprisingly well, as Nemo actually looks like he’s half underwater. As a side note, it is really nice to get back into design assignments.
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