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Remix: “Return To The [Awkward] Scene Of The Crime” Meets “What’s The Prequel?”

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Hey there, long time no see blog! Sorry about that. Classes got real crazy! It was scary. But that has passed and I can now return to my normal human behaviors. Including DS106. Yayy!


So this is my first attempt at remixing. Here’s the combo I got (after ignoring the first few weird ones): ”Return To The Scene Of The Crime [Remixed]: What’s The Prequel?” Its a total of 6 stars (3 from the original and 3 from the remix).

I used Emily Deane’s “Return to the Scene of the Crime” photograph as my starting point. Here’s her picture:

I chose this one because of its excellent layout and clarity, making it a great clean slate for changing around or adding things. Then I headed over to one of my favorite sites when I’m in need of a laugh: Awkward Family Photos. So many ridiculous shots and hilarious captions!! After just scrolling though the pictures (and uncontrolably laughing) for a while, I found this one:

The remix card suggests making up a background story to your creation to explain a “disturbed childhood” or an “early force of development.”… I’m pretty sure this remixed awkward family photo says it all!

This was actually really simple to create. All I did was import both of the photos into Aviary. I made Ms Deane’s photo the bottom layer and the awkward family photo the top layer. Then I shrunk the top one down. I used the eraser tool to remove the parts of the top photo where it covered up Emily’s thumb. Then I used the little ink dropper tool thingy to match the color of the sky and painted over the “” tag in the upper right hand corner (hope that’s not too illegal). And Wha-La! That’s it!

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