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WEEK 11: “1 Second Video [Remixed]: Subtle Switcheroo 4 STAR ASSIGNMENT”

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For this assignment I had to remix the old assignment “1 second video” and create my own remix of it using basically anything. So i used the website called to remix the original photo into something different. All i did was upload the original picture and then i played around with the basic edits tolls, contrast, exposures,  fonts, and texts tools to turn it out like this. Overall, the assignment was easy to do and i enjoyed fooling around with numerous tools to alter the original picture. For this assignment i didn’t remix another students work because no other student has completed the assignment, therefore i chose to make a remix of the original picture on the assignment page. If you look closely at the original picture and my remix to it you can see that i changed it in a tricky way, look closely and you will see that i spelled “beauty” in a different way, and I lower cased the “O” in “second“, I also “changed the color of the arrows to pink that are side by side in the sentence”. The picture on the top is the original, and the picture on the bottom is my remix:) !!!

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