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Juxtaposition [Remixed]: Jump Shrimp

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In the original assignment were to take a still art image (such as a painting or building) and juxtapose it with a movie clip or animated gif with which it has something deep in common, however, i decided to remix it. The remix version was called Jump shrimp, which meant that i had to find a completed assignment and create it’s oxymoron, something that is contradictory to what was made.

So, i did just that–

I took Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon  painting and juxtaposed it with a painting of a monkey to men evolution. we went from sexual women to hairy beasts.

i also thought it would be pretty interesting how the faces of art changed throughout decades. We went from a beauty natural beauty how women are perceived today. I compared Amy Winehouse with Frida because it shows how things different are today. Amy is an icon because she showed us that it is o.k to be who we want to be or say what we want to say. That is is cool to have tattoos and still be considered talented. Like Frida, AMy paved the way for strong independent women to be free and not to be shamed for wanting to be different.


Here i juxtaposed as random picture that i found on google. One which is very comical is of a bum with one of the most disturbing signs i have ever seen, he wrote, “Too ugly to prostitute” While the other picture is work from one of the most controversial artist of our time. His picture is deep and has a inspiring message. I like this comparsion because we live in a world where people take their lives for granted.

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