Everyone has favorite movies and reasons for those movies being their favorite movies. This assignment let you explain using scenes from some of those movies why they impacted you the way that they did. This assignment made you think a lot not just about the movies you were going to use, but also what scene you were going to use.
That part was difficult to me. I thought about the three movies I was going to use for about 45 min to an hour. It took me roughly amount of time to complete the assignment as well. All I did was YouTube the scenes and put them together on iMovie and do narration over them explaining what stuck out to me about them.
I wanted to choose movies that I had not spoken about already i.e Forghetting Sarah Marshall, Forrest Gump and my all time favorite movie the Godfather. So I chose three other movies that I really like. The movies of which I took scenes from are… Nope as a matter of fact just watch the video.
Ds106 assignment Movie Scenes That Changed Our Lives worth 5 stars
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