I know this is coming to an end here shortly for all my fitness followers so i wanted to give you a couple more ways of staying with it when im not here to hand you work outs and resources.
You are already aware of many different sites online such as P90X. or online sites with key words like Workouts.. as well some tips, excersies and routines i have given you.
last but not least my finace passed along another source that his buddies at the fire station use and say its another free and easy way of yoga, cardio, weight lifting and other techniques some of which you can do right at home. If you go to podcating in your itunes and type in Fit For Duty
so now you have no excuse why you cant keep going, there are tons of resources that can keep you going whoo!!
Fitness Followers
Posted by Sarah Parlett
April 25, 2012
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