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Fin: Final Projects Cross the Finish Line

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cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Sean MacEntee

And we are done! Everyone from ds106 Section 2 at University of Mary Washington, take a bow. Here are the final project highlights. If a project is missing please let me know (at least 2 I know of are not able to be viewed due to YouTube blocking)

Rick Santorum Bad Lip Reading by Matt

Blog post on project

Good Morning by Annie

Blog post on project

Super Secret Super Silly Spy Sisters preview video by Samirah

Blog post on project

Left-Handed Twitter by Ross

Blog post on project

Bedtime- A Case Study on Distorted Memory by John

Blog post on project

Young Me / Now Me by Rachel

Blog post on project

I Used to Know by Keelin

Blog post on project

Lucidity by Liz


Blog post on project

Into Infinity and Beyond by Alex

Blog post on project

Bits and Pieces by Hannah

Blog post on project

The Secret Life of Felix by Christie

Blog post on final project

Love Lost: A Story Told Through Google Images by Kierra

Blog post on project

Map Crunch Story by Stephanie

Blog post on project

Diabetic Fitness Site by Colin

Blog post on final project

You Got Me (kinetically typed) by Tiffany

Blog post on project

Kennedy 64 by Briana

Blog post on final project

Future iView by Saad

Blog post on project

By Justin

Blog post on project

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