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Day 2 of Writing !

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For the past two days, I have been vigorously writing and working on a novel that I’ve had in mind since I was a senior in high school.  I am SO excited that I’ve finally had the time to get this started.

Over the school year, I was following some famous author’s blogs (ex: Maggie Stiefvater, Kami Garcia, etc) for some writing tips.  Their number one tip usually was: just write!  There will never be the “perfect” time to start writing, you have to just do it.  I remember being a little disappointed and annoyed.  I was expecting some life-changing advice.  Some sort of words of wisdom from accomplished authors that would give me an epiphany and start me on writing some sort of master piece.   However, although those few words were so simple, they are also so true.  The more you write, the more fluency you develop with it.

Yesterday I started writing at 7 AM and wrote until 3 PM.  At first I started off a little slow, but then I picked it up and got really into it.  There were times I forgot I was at work (oops) because I got so into what I was writing.  Right now, I have so much drive and inspiration that I hate taking any breaks.  I just want to keep writing!

However, writing is not easy.  It can actually be really frustrating.  There are so many moments when I am writing something and I just don’t like the way it sounds or I don’t like how it doesn’t depict the exact image in my mind.  The hardest thing for me to understand is that these words are not permanent.  This is a problem with many writers: you get so attached to your words.  Part of the writing process is vigorous editing and cutting things out.  For the most part, when I write something I become in love with it and don’t want to take it out of what I have.  I’m learning slowly but surely that most of the time our first drafts should not (and will not) be the final drafts.

As of now, I am so happy and pleased with my progress.  In less than two days I’ve banged out 50 pages of a book that I’ve wanted to write since I was 17 years old.  Now, at the age of 21, I can put in the best of what I got and give it my all.

Please share your writing stories here, offer words of encouragement or advice, and as always: leave your feedback :)


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