The first week of boot camp has been a struggle for myself… I am computer challenged, anything that can go wrong pretty much has gone wrong…..slight over exaggeration….but I am sure people understand what I mean.
I started off with the easiest thing I new to do, I found the professor for this course on twitter.. here is a link to my twitter account and a screen shot of various tweets I have sent to the professor so far.

After setting up twitter and set up my domain and blog, which seemed easy until I was unable to see the end product…until a few hours later, which I am not going to lie…freaked me out.
After situating my domain and blog and signing up for the class stream I did the very first daily create…here is the link to that blog and the video associated with it.
youtube link:
My first daily post blog!:
Video for my first daily post:
After finishing that I created my google+ account, flickr account, and soundcloud account. The links for google+, Soundcloud, flickr and minecraft.
Link to my soundcloud sign up:
The last thing I did for this week was watch/read the posted art assignments. Reflecting back on Robert Hughes video on what art is I truly enjoyed his outlook. He discussed how not all art deserves the respect that most feel the need to give them. As if they are pressured into liking art they might not fully understand. I felt as if he was saying that the simplistic outlook kids can have on life was something modernism tried to deny. Yet some older artists are trying to regain the outlook kids have on life through art. Through art people can understand the world around them, but everyone has a different outlook on the world, making one persons art sometimes go unnoticeable to another person. Artists use paintings, the media, and other forms of art to give meaning to their feelings.
In Steven Johnson’s Where good ideas come from, his main point was that it takes multiple people and many years to create something that will impact many lives. Work on a “masterpiece” can stress people out and many times run them into the ground. Steven Johnson believes, and I agree with his point of view, that if you allow others to voice their opinions that your masterpiece can reach a new level of creativity. He believes that many times the internet can lead to less sophisticated thoughts, but at the same time it greatly increases the amount of people who are able to apply input on your “masterpiece.” In other words its as if the internet, while taking away sophisticated thought process, is still allowing you to achieve your master piece by closing the links between you and the person that will give the opinion completing your “masterpiece”.
The last thing i reflected on was the Rules for Students and Teachers by John Cage. It opened my eyes to what might be the most conducive way to create art. Being able to find a place to relax and let your creative juices flow is very important, it is also important to utilize both parents and friends around you. I also liked how he stated that there are no mistakes, what you might consider a mistake, down the road could make your finished product ten times better than what you expected. It is also important that you always work towards a goal, an idea cannot be created if no effort was put into it. The biggest thing for me is that it’s important to not analyze and create at the same time. I tend to analyze things constantly, and when I mean constantly….I’m not over exaggerating, which prohibits the creative process. It will be difficult to stop analyzing the world around me, so I am going to try my best to stop analyzing things when I try to create….or I am going to try and utilize the analyzation to get a different outlook.
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