Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92890 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

Week One Summary

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First weekly post, ready?

So I originally picked this class because it satisfies the art requirement and there is NO WAY I’m cut out for Theatre class. That aside, I think that this class is going to get me more involved using my computer and connecting in social media…which are both awesome!

Now that we’re through that intro, let’s start with the weekly media we had to watch. When I watched the first video with Robert Hughes, I was instantly returned to my freshman Art History class and it reminded me of videos we had to watch and write about. By the end of the video, I was like $#!%, I’m going to drop this class…and it wasn’t even Monday yet! Luckily, I decided to tough it out and watch the second video. I found the second video interesting and it gave me hope. (See, I’m not the most creative person and what I took from the video was that was O.K.) The video made me realize that we use the people around us and bounce ideas off of them to create something really interesting. It made me feel like I could stand a chance in a creative DS106 world because I have the internet and fellow classmates that I could build on ideas for and from. Lastly, the paper made some valid points. Rule 4: Consider everything an experiment. I like this because that’s one of my philosophies, if you’ve never done it before(like this class!), give it a shot! If it doesn’t work out, no one said you had to continue doing it! Rule 8: Do not try to create and analyze at the same time. They are different processes. This one opened my eyes to the fact that may be why I get so frustrated in my classes. I analyze everything and I guess I tend to try to do both at the same time. After reading this, I’m gonna attempt to prevent myself from doing that this semester and see if I can cut down on my stress and frustration!

Here is my required weekly Daily Create:

I like that there is something new to do everyday. I also liked that it was so simple and took less than 30 minutes to do “homework”. I didn’t do any other creates this week because classes have been hectic, but I look forward to doing them when I get some more free time.



^^^ and there is my introductory tweet, which I did while I was typing this!^^^

A short about me can be found —>

I found that setting up all the sites and blog was the hardest…maybe not hard, but time-consuming. I know my way around a computer, but all this social connecting is a new experience for me. I learned that with a prop (keychain) I could make a video of myself and post it on the internet for anyone to see. I’m excited to do some of the interesting Daily Creates and for what other projects are in my ds106 future. The only thing I’m dreading is the fact that I’m gonna get bogged down with work from my Computer Science class and my GIS Labs and am going to be stressed to update/post/keep up with ds106…but I am determined to prevail!!


That’s all for now!

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