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An Ancient Tradition

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Storytelling goes way back to the times when there was no way of recording histories in writing, before there was an alphabet, or a set of rules that prescribed what a proper grammar is. This was a time when storytelling was an oral activity. It may have led to stories being a bit fantastical, but it also gave our ancestors a leg up as far as creativity goes.  If we wanted, we could probably be the most unoriginal generation of our time–in fact, some might say we are entirely unoriginal. (I think we’re creative in a different way, a new way, as most generations are.)

I’ve always been supremely envious of a person who can pull a good story out of their ass; this was not a gift I was blessed with. I would say the only good stories that I have told are ones that I have practiced telling. This being said, I think digital storytelling might come a little easier for me (hopefully). It seems a bit more thought-out, like writing, which I am also better at than oral storytelling.

From oral storytelling came written storytelling. And from written stories came digital stories. It is an evolution of sorts. Adding “digital” to the art of storytelling adds a whole new dimension to storytelling. You can make storytelling funny by adding a funny picture or a funny video and likewise, you can make it sad by adding a melancholic piece of media. Digitizing storytelling is the wave of the future. See all of these blogs that we have? And that so many other people have. They are telling us their stories using their metal and plastic conglomerations sitting in front of them, which then take said stories and share them. With the world. Online. It’s an incredible phenomenon really. People don’t really get that. And we don’t need to. We just need to tell our stories. We need to know that we do have a purpose in this life, and that our stories do mean something. That is, after all, why we tell stories.

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