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Week 3 Daily Creates

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Four Daily Creates this week!  Luckily for me, I’ve got the perfect one for my first Daily Create…  We’ll start this off with some venting!

Week 3 Daily Create #1

So, 9/10/12′s DC was to take a picture of anger, or something that makes you angry.  I decided to upload a picture of my wheel to Flickr.  I take pride in cleaning my car as much as I possibly can but it ALWAYS gets dirty!!!  There is just nothing that I can do about it.  My car is a dark green and shows dirt like crazy.  My wheels are black and it’s really hard to keep them nice and shiny.  It’s always fun cleaning my car, but it makes me SO ANGRY when I go outside and see how dirty they look.  I will complain about this even more when the snow starts to come.  Consider cleaning the car a lost cause.  Between the unpredictable weather and the crap they throw on the road to melt the ice, there is no way that I can ever keep it clean then…  It takes such a long time for such a small reward.  Makes me angry just thinking about it…

Week 3 Daily Create #2

Today’s Daily Create was to take a picture of a sidewalk!  This one came to me as I was coming home from work.  I turned into a neighborhood and decided to get the sun in the background as well.  I hope that you all like it!  Today was one of the first days of the year that I could wear a hoodie outside comfortably at night on my drive home!  It was so relaxing.  You all can see how bright my headlights are too :-)  I love my car.

Week 3 Daily Create #3

Today’s Daily Create was to draw a picture of something that you miss.  My grandpa died of Pancreatic Cancer in December of 2003.  He was diagnosed in July and was only given a few months to live.  I was only 13 at the time, but I miss him every day.  I was going to make something in Paint, but I figured that drawing something, even though I can’t draw at all, seemed to be a bit more appropriate.  Go back to my younger days when I was 13 and drawing stuff.  I really enjoy doing Daily Creates that actually mean something.  Not to say that the others don’t mean anything, but I’ve never been able to incorporate meaningful things into one of them as of now.  Does that make sense?

Week 3 Daily Create #4

So, today’s Daily Create was to take a picture of something and have you guys guess what it is so I’m not going to include much information.  The only clue that I’m going to give is that it was taken from inside the house!

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