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Third Week Already?!

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So I posted at the beginning of the week about my idea of storytelling. I think I have a more fluid idea of storytelling and I think there is more flexibility within the digital story. I guess I realized that really anything can comprise a story; a story doesn’t necessarily have to have all the traditional storybook elements to be ‘a story’.

Kurt Vonnegut is the MAN. Also, he is really good at talking about stuff that afterwards, you think, that makes a lot of sense. Like his shape of stories. My shape of stories can be found here. I think it makes sense as a way to visualize stories in a different sort of way. I like visual things, so of course I really like that there is also subjectivity in that each person may come up with a different visualization of the same story.


I did a massive number of four daily creates.

1) This daily create was something that makes you angry. Here’s what made me angry at the moment:


2) I really liked this daily create, because in this world, hope is sometimes hard to come by. I didn’t have a message of hope when I started recording, just a quote. As I kept talking I realized that I have signs of hope I see everyday at work, when people are willing to help others they barely know. To me, this is all the hope we can ask for, that we will help somebody else (be they known or unknown to us) every chance we get.

3) SIDEWALK DAILY CREATE!! and, I look like a mermaid, even better. Thanks to this assignment, I realized I have large hips. But, I’m ok with that.

Sidewalk walking

4) My last daily create of the week is about something I miss. I did a cheap drawing in paint that does not do my missing justice. I used to live on the Outer Banks in Kitty Hawk, and after school we could just go to the beach. People had surfboard racks built into their bikes!


I love daily creates and they are a fun break from everything else (aka, regular academia).

Here is my FIVE FRAME STORY. I really liked this, but my dogs are not the most cooperative, especially when being enticed with a walk. I could say that word at midnight and they would still go nuts. Some of the pictures are blurry or not as focused as I’d like, but I realized it adds to the frantic nature of my dogs wanting to go on a walk.

I have done google reader and I plan to comment on many more blogs, but as of right now, I’ve commented on quite a few, I’m not sure of the exact number. I also have tried to make them meaningful, so that takes longer. I also tweet occasionally (still getting in to twitter mode). I realize I love getting comments so I am actively trying to remind myself to comment on all kinds of blogs.

Here’s my tweet trying to get comments:

I did manage to get 6 comments! now, to get to the baking! I’m also going to try to follow my classmates on twitter so that I can comment more actively on their posts.

Also, I tried to fix my blog redirect but got super nervous when I saw all the code. I think this may call for a trip to DTLT. I also read Crystal’s help guide but it didn’t work for me:(

Overall, I feel really comfortable so far. I am definitely doing things I wouldn’t normally do. I have tried to redirect my blog, but I can’t get it to work (HELP please!) I am going to try to work on it tomorrow (Sunday) but I don’t know if I can figure it out still. I’m excited to see what week 4 is all about! I like exercising my creativity in nonconventional ways.


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