Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

Watch that 3rd step, its a doozy!

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Week three turned out to be pretty killer… in the sense that it almost killed me. I absolutely love having my own blog and my own spaces to share my creations. I never thought I would have accounts to websites like youtube and flickr but lo and behold I do and using various sites has become much easier. The only thing I couldn’t figure out this week was how to redirect my subdomain to my actual domain. I googled and youtubed and twitter searched but I couldn’t find a tutorial or directions (at least something that I understood).

One of the very cool things we did this week was explaining a story based on Kurt Vonnegut’s “Shape of Stories.” I chose to graph The Hobbit. Check it out here:

We had to complete a grand total of four Daily Creates this week. I completed two in one day but what can I say, life gave me lemons. I am thankful for the Daily Creates only after I complete them. Once they are finished, I can look back at each one and enjoy the stuff I created. If you want to read about the process and my intentions for each Daily Create, check out the Daily Create menu tab up top! Here is a peek at this week’s:





My favorite project for the week was telling a story in five photos. I thought this would be easy but I found myself really thinking about how stories work and how you have to tell them. If you want to check out my five frame fiction, check out the link below:

This whole week has been about telling stories and learning how to tell them with new technology. I stand by my original thoughts about storytelling insofar as storytelling is about transferring an experience to an audience. The way I traditionally tell stories will be stomped on this semester as I learn to convey messages and experiences through different means. I am very much looking forward to it.


I was also supposed to comment on about 10 other DS106 blogs this week. Although I fell a bit short on the number, I was able to check out some really cool stuff on other 6′ers blogs. I now know how to view other’s submissions and how to provide positive feedback and encouragement with comments. I also found that looking at other people’s work gets my mind moving in the right direction. Pretty great stuff going on in DS106 so far.

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