Week three, done. Whew. This week has actually been slightly challenging. Between my other classes (ugh, spanish), work (new job! woo), and taking care of a 10 week old puppy (awwww), it’s hard to find time to do all of this stuff.. BUT I GOT IT DONE! Woot.
What is storytelling? Well I tell you HERE. My ideas on storytelling haven’t changed since I wrote that blog post. I doubt they will change. I still think that eventually, telling stories for pleasure/fun will be obsolete.
Kurt Vonnegut. Fantastic. He was humorous which made his video that much more entertaining. His explanation of the shapes of stories was fascinating. I never thought of shows, films, or stories that way. Though I didn’t exactly have a hard copy image (couldn’t figure out how to make that happen on my macbook), I did make a video. I’m a little dorky when it comes to making videos… actually I’m a lot dorky in real life. Oh well.
Ahhh, the daily creates. Wonderful! This is my favorite part of the week. These are always so interesting. Okay, here are my daily creates:
Something that makes you angry:
This picture makes me angry because my “little” brother, the tall kid on the right. Is only 15 and he’s almost a foot taller than me. He’s 6’4″.
Whispered Words:
I chose to whisper words to my ex-boyfriend’s family. They lost a family member in the terrorism attacks on 9-11. I’m extremely close with his family/him still and they need to know that they need to stay strong and that she’s in a better place watching over them.
Something I miss:
As of 12:00AM on September 16th 2012 there is a NHL lockout. NOOOOOOOO! *cue quiet sobs*
Interesting Fabric:
This is my favorite blanket, I made it. It’s zebra print… not like you couldn’t see that. It’s so soft and warm.
Telling a story in 5 pictures. This was so much fun. I actually laughed while doing this assignment. I had a good time remembering how much my brother wanted to take that bear home. He even sat there and drew out his room to see if he could fit the giant thing in his bedroom. (that would be a negative, ghost rider).
Participation in DS106 this week has been fun. I’ve loved that people are commenting on my blog and I can comment right back at them. I love feedback and criticism. It has made my blog that much better. Twitter participation! I love twitter. Here is the link to my twitter participation in DS106: https://twitter.com/i/#!/search/%23ds106%20from:a_sterne?q=%23ds106+from%3Aa_sterne
My approach to getting 5 comments on a blog post was to “just let it happen”. The blog post is my GIF post, it has 4 comments from other people and 2 from me. So… That’s 6. I can do simple math! YAY. I win.
So far I’m really loving DS106. I am always tweeting about how much more fun it is than my spanish class. Well, I did get kicked out of my spanish class (long story). ANYWAYS. I am looking forward to week 4 and what it brings us. I’ll be starting a new job, so I hope I can get all of my work done in a timely manner! Bring it on DS106!
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