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Week 3=Completed

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At the beginning of the week we had to describe what storytelling meant to us and how the word digital being added to the beginning of storytelling can change the meaning.  Below is a link to the blog.

Once we described what digital storytelling meant to us, we had to watch a movie based on Kurt Vonnegut’s Shape of Stories.  Once we watched the movie we had to pick a movie and create our own shape on the story and analyze it.  I chose to do the movie The Flintstones and incorporated a digital aspect to the storytelling by recording it as a video, instead of just typing about it.  Below is the link to the blog….

Through out the week we had to do four dailycreates.  I did mine on…



I chose to use my cell bio book as something that frustrates me because the topic isnt something that comes easy to me.


Campus Walk

This dailycreate made me feel like a slight creeper having to take a picture of people walking on a sidewalk…..people watching :p



My drawing is rather rough, but it is a picture of the puppy i adopted my first year at mary wash. I truly adore him and miss him like crazy when we are separated.

and Friday:

Unknown pattern

The last daily create that i did was about a close up of a pattern, the pattern i chose was on a notebook my sister left out…..To me it kindof looks like pacman….but thats just my imagination.

Towards the end of the week i participated in the assignment to tell a story through pictures….the link to the blog is below.

This week i started to make comments on others blogs.  To do so I subscribed to our class on google reader helping me find other’s blogs more easily.  To find blogs I wanted to comment on i went through others blog pages and found the blogs that were most interesting to me.  I commented on how i could either relate to or what i enjoyed about their blog.  I really liked the creativity others incorporated into their blogs and observing others outlooks on assignments.  I am working on replying to people’s comments on my blog.  One thing i wish that blogs could have is a like button…. to me sometimes a like button works a lot better than posting, what i feel like to be an awkward comment. :)


The link i chose to attempt to get 5 comments on was the blog on the shape of Flintstones…..I posted the link to the blog on twitter and used hash tags such as #comment and #ds106 to gain peoples attention.

Copy of the tweet:

#ds106 The Flintstones… …#blog #comments #assignment

and the link to the blog.

Another thing that we had to write a blog about that i neglected to mention earlier was on an inspire ds106 post….i chose the one of an old picture of a couple infront of willard at the fountain and its lined up perfectly to how it looks now.  The blog is linked below.

Overall week 3 went well, to me it is getting clear to start getting on somethings a little earlier.  It also opened my eyes to the fact that i need to start communicating more with people in my section.  Although i am relatively shy, I am going to try my best to communicate more.  The third week also made me realize how much i enjoy doing dailycreates….to me they are one of the stress relieving assignments i have during the week.

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