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Audio Assignments: Radio Bumper

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Creating a radio bumper for me was fun. To do this I used Audacity like I did with the 5 sound story.  First I recorded my voice saying “You’re listening to ds106 radio” in Audacity.  Then I went on Freesound and downloaded the sound called cut copy and paste that was posted by Milton.  I liked this sound because it had a kind of rock feel and was a good for a radio bumper.  Before I even read the comments below the sound there was a comment by littleheath saying “great for radio ad”.  After downloading the sound I then imported the cut copy and paste sound into another track into audacity.  After that I tried to work on adjusting the sound of my voice so it was loud enough to be over the sound of the music. I then converted the file so it would be able to be downloaded into Soundcloud.

I’ve never made a radio bumper before so any feedback would be appreciated.

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