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Week 4 Summary

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With Week 4 in the books, let’s go back and review the going-ons that took place.
First off, I took the time to let everyone know it was National Talk Like a Pirate Day, so everyone could appreciate my theme. I started the week out by tweeting Admiral CogDog with over ye’ olde Twitter. Thus, Week 4 started out with optimism. But the waters would once again get murky, as we were asked to record audio, which makes my computer go haywire and crash sometimes so I used a variety of different methods to make sure my computer didn’t crash and sink me for the week.
Capn’s Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad led me out of the port this week with some incite into recording audio stories. The summary here goes into my comparisons of their advice to my life experiences, and once again my knowledge of the Sea of Sports came in handy. The advice Glass and Abumrad gave would help all week, especially when I analysed my experience of listening to DS106 Radio, and Act V when we were asked to analyse a story for the week.

After these assignments designed to critique that which was already made, I had to make audio recordings myself. My country boy side came out when I had to make a radio bummer for DS106, and Brad Paisley’s Mud on the Tires, which is also my ringtone, is what I used to enhance my bummer.

I also would go on to tell the story of pouring and drinking a SODA. That’s right, it was just soda.

I spent all Wednesday in the Library studying. When I looked up the Daily Creates for the week, one of them asked me to express the number 3 with a picture. Thus, I proceeded to the top floor of the library and took a picture of this:
The number 3

Then I drew a picture of someone who clearly hates losing. Things just got serious in Mini Putt.
Mini Golf

Did you hear Omega One fish food and Sprite merged? Apparently, fish are tired of swimming around in bland water, and urged the Coke Company and Omega One to come up with this product revolutionary to the world of fish.
Omega One Sprite

This week was a challenge for me. I consider myself better with visual and written storytelling than audio storytelling. My computer crashed a grand total of five times when I was trying to record sounds. I realize this is not an excuse, so I’m looking for better ways to record sound than my computer mic. I’ve already started working with my smart phone in order to find good ways of doing this and might download the SoundCloud app. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a reliable soundboard site that I can download free sounds off of? The first one I tried this week tried to hack my computer, so I was hesitant in looking for others and just recorded my own sounds. This week was different for me, and a little frustrating for me so I’m hoping I can fix the frustrations before we get to the midterm project.

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