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Flickr Set

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Well, I figured out how to embed the set into my blog.  It actually wasn’t that hard..  I hope that you all enjoy the photos that I’ve added to my Flickr Set!

The first couple of photos that I added are from the Photoblitzing assignment that I just did.  I chose those photos because I had a really fun time with the assignment and really liked the abstract nature of them.  The texture photo that I took was one that we had to take a photo of something and have people guess what it was.  I liked that photo because it was fun seeing the different responses that I got.  I don’t get too many comments on my photos so it was refreshing when I put that one up to have a few just for that one photo.  The night time photo that I took with the lights was just an awesome looking picture with the sunset in the background.  I really like pictures of sunsets and night photos so that one is probably my favorite out of the group.  The last two pictures of me are just photos that I first uploaded when I started this course and had to setup my Flickr account.  The one with the baby is my favorite because Jackson is in the photo with me!  He’s definitely the best baby that I’ve ever been around which is why I might love him so much :-)

I hope to be adding more pictures to this later but I hope you enjoy my slideshow!

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