This is an easy and great way to photo splash your picture.
Go to your app store and search ” photo splash Smart”. This is a free app you can download to your computer.
Once the app has installed itself, double click the icon in your launchpad to open the app.
Click open file and select the picture form your files which you desire to photo splash.
Your photo will open as a black and white photo. A round, white, circle will appear as your cursor. Use this to click and drag over the portion of your image you’d like to bring the color back to.
Adjusting cursor size: If the area you’d like to color splash is small you can adjust the size of your white dot on the right side of the app’s screen.
Change the options on the right side or the screen form “Red” to “color” and the color will return to the selected portion of your photo.
Use the erase icon by clicking on it at the right of the screen then dragging your cursor and clicking the area you’d like to erase color from.
Walah!! you’ve successfully photo splashed!
Now save your work by clicking file, then export, at the top of your screen. Save the photo as a JPEG wherever you please on your computer.
Here is what mine looked like :
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