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Daily Creates Week 5

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I want to start with something exciting: MY DAILY CREATES


The only egghead I know

I had trouble because I don’t really hang around bald people and would have had been so embarrassed to ask someone who was bald if I could take a picture. I therefore decided to take egghead literally.  After I took the picture, I put him back with his friends in the egg carton. My mom never asked me why he had a face…I bet she cracked him open without mercy. Poor egghead!


abstract alligator

OH MY GOSH! I was so excited to draw this animal! I love love love swamp people. I even read a historical article and used swamp people to prove my point. Ahh! so I love alligators or alligatahhs said in the Cajun way. I also love the way all of them talk in French. I’m partial to the Landry’s but I do love the Guist brothers as well (so sad that one of them died). Anyway, Troy is always saying yeahyeahYEAH which I love, and say a lot. (I will say it at the end of finishing this post.) I obviously also love alligators because I have said love about 2582095 times in this one paragraph. Oh well!


I could not for the life of me figure out how to do this myself. So, I went to, and used this sound, and this one. After all the audio work we did last week, this was a piece of cake! I put them into audacity, arranged them and voila! interruption 101. My sounds of drunks fighting do not really go with jets taking off, so I think it works pretty well.

I also submitted a bumper sticker assignment to the suggestions box (or the digital version of that). Hopefully, it will be something we see soon!



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