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Photoblitz at Shenandoah

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To start of this random photoblitz I took a picture of my watch to time stap when I started…Once the time stamp was started I just randomly started to take pictures of my surroundings and what I found to be interesting and worth having its picture taken. I also kept in mind what was listed on the photoblitz challenge outline as to what things would be cool to see. After 20 mins of random photo taking I took another picture of my watch to time stamp when I stopped. I then downloaded the pictures from my camera to my computer and linked my iphoto application to flickr where the iphoto application then automatically created a set on flickr where all the pictures I took during the 20 min time frame were placed into. This reduced my time in uploading and sharing. Below is the time stamp start and stop pictures along with the 5 pictures I chose to be my favorite out of all the pictures I took. The pictures have a small description below them to describe what they are trying to portray or which outline they fulfill of the photoblitz challenge.

This is the time stamp for when I started the photoblitz challenge.

This picture is of the underneath of a bench on a tennis court. I thought it helped to show converging lines and had kind of cool lighting to it. The bench also came in handy after playing tennis with my friends at Shenandoah.

This picture is of a tennis ball on a tennis court. This picture is clearly dominated by the color green but what I think is cool is that it’s not just one shade of green but multiple shades of green, partially due to the shade and also due to the two objects being different shades of green.

This photo is showing my friend Justin being a goofball after beating my friend Amanda at tennis…..I believe he called this his winners dance…I’m not sure he does it that often haha But this image does help to portray human emotion in action!

This photo is of my freckly arm and the interesting shadow that was cast on it while I was taking the picture.

This photo is the last of the photos I chose from the collection as one of my favorites… It is a picture of my friend Justin’s hand and arm. He was trying to get me to take a picture of his muscle…which is typical of him….but I was able to get his hand haha

This is a picture of my watch at the end of the photoblitz assignment. It was a little shy of 20 minutes but I was able to collect all the pictures I needed….plus my camera was about to die and I had forgotten to bring my charger wompp

Overall I found this assignment to be a lot more fun than I had originally thought it would be. I learned that sometimes the random pictures are a lot cooler than the ones that have been planned out for a long time and want to get exactly right. Sometimes spontaneity is a good thing, which i never really doubted. The rest of the photos taken during the photoblitz challenge can be found in the set labeled Ds106 photoblitz at this link…

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