Week 5 DailyCreates!
I decided to submit a suggestion for a dailycreate which I hope will be approved soon! (: I can’t remember exactly what the creative tag line I used during submission but in theory it went something like this.. eXtreme photography. Basically edit the crap outta a photo! make a photo look eXtraordinary… My example is below (:
NOW For My DailyCreates for the week…
*DailyCreate September27th*
a Giraffe in a colorful world. I drew an abstract picture of my favorite animal in Paint! My abstract version of a giraffe.. I see it as cartooned (:
*DailyCreate September30th*
My duckie and my favorite nailpolish! A famous artist once said, “You can never have too much yellow.” I LOVE YELLOW The dailycreate was to draw something to prove this… I already had this photo from my photoblitz’ing assignment this week, so I decided to use the photo again because I love the lighting and colors so much!! (:
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